History Of Christmas Trees History. Christmas trees were not widely accepted in American at first due to the Puritans' strict rules on celebrating the winter holiday. The evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years.

Most historians believe Germany is where the first Christmas trees were, and that Martin Luther recreated a scene while walking home of stars shining Look at the brief history of Christmas trees around the world from Germany to the United States and how the tradition has changed over time.
Christmas trees haven't always been associated with Christianity, in fact, Christianity was one of the last religions to jump on this "green religion" bandwagon.
Christmas trees were not widely accepted in American at first due to the Puritans' strict rules on celebrating the winter holiday. Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and Another story comes from Germany about spiders and Christmas trees. Christmas trees are a central part of Christmas celebrations around the world.